Remote Support Voucher Terms

As well as our standard terms, there are some extra terms for the pre-bought remote support vouchers.

Remote support is only available for computers running Windows and which are able to boot up normally and access the Internet, if your computer can’t do that then an in-person support visit will need to be arranged.

A request for help should be submitted by email to and we will agree a mutually convenient time for the support session. This will usually be the same day as the request, but this cannot be guaranteed. Please send your voucher code with this email. Please state what issues you have prior to each support session. It may be possible to fix several issues in one support session, and by giving us warning about what is wrong we can more efficiently use the session.

During the remote support session we will telephone you, so please provide a phone number in your initial contact email.

A voucher is valid for three remote support sessions, and each session can be up to 20 minutes. If it is clear that the problem will take longer to fix then we will discuss the costs before proceeding and booking the session. Not all problems can be fixed remotely, and a support session does not guarantee to fix your problem, but we will do our very best to fix it. If during the remote support session it becomes evident that an in-person visit is required we will tell you this as soon as it becomes apparent.

It is your responsibility to download and run the remote support program, available at and to have a working Internet connection. You must do this before the agreed time for the support session.

In the unlikely case that there are technical issues with Skipton Computer Service’s remote connection program we will reschedule the support session, or arrange to use an alternative remort support program. This will not count in the support session time.

Vouchers are not transferable, and are only for use by the original recipient.

Vouchers must be redeemed within 18 months of purchase, after this time they will not be valid. Vouchers won't be refunded if unused after this date. If you would rather pay as you go, normal rates are £45/hour or part thereof.

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